Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy SAD!

Lest I be alone on Cupid’s red letter day, Cherri and Perry invited me to spend time with them. I accepted their invitation to attend Sunday morning worship at their church. I had to chuckle when I met their fellow parishioner. Shirley is also unattached, and humorously relayed that she and her daughter were celebrating Single Awareness Day. SAD. But rather than commiserate, we instead rejoiced in our solo status. After all, I pointed out, why have 1 when you can have 50?

Amidst grins and giggles, that afternoon I shared M & M’s with Sarah and Olivia. We all toasted the holiday with wine and sparkling grape juice before delving into cranberry and walnut salad, crabcakes and zucchini. The meal was delish, and ended with two special treats: a rousing rendition of “Happy Valentine’s Day to You!” and a Bill Knapp’s chocolate cake painstakingly decorated by the twins with red hearts and black jail centers. (I don’t pretend to comprehend the complex workings of a five-year-old mind, but do you think they were onto something with that?)

My spouse is now my ex and I’m in between significant others; there was no bouquet of roses, no Godiva chocolates. As much as I’d love to be wined and dined by some hunky bachelor, I don’t need to be in a romantic relationship to celebrate life. I cannot think of a better way to have spent my day.

One of the lovely Valentines I received poignantly stated:

I believe in love for you, that you’ll find the exactly right person to share your life with.

I believe that it’ll happen in the perfect time and the perfect way.

And in the meantime, I hope you really feel the love that’s already in your life …

Because you are loved by so many people.

“All you need is love” is how the song goes. Blessed with wonderful family and friends, I’ve got that one covered.


Me said...

This entry is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I've added a resolution to my 2010 "list of things I really, really gotta do". It reads, "at least once a week read Lynn's blog and admire her pictures". Gotta tell you - you inspire me. Though this isn't necessarily my favorite entry, I'm loving the pictures you post... Honestly, I think you need to take a collection, have them printed on canvas and stretch over a frame, and hit the lakeshore art shows this summer. Dear friend, they'd sell! Nice work!