Friday, August 20, 2010

Taste of Maumee

You know I try to avoid chain restaurants like the plague, but I’m game if it’s done with a bit of a twist. The City of Maumee definitely knows how to shake things up a bit.

Maumee is located directly across the river from Perrysburg. Mark admittedly had forgotten all about its Summer Fair until we were en route back to his place and noticed signs. Kicking off the weekend was the Taste of Maumee. Nearly two dozen local restaurants (some of which were chain) were not only competing for the best decorated booth, but also tempted us with food and drink. We took a vote. Our growling stomachs won.

Things were in full swing by the time we parked the car and followed our noses. There were many mouth-watering delicacies to choose from, but we ultimately settled on ribs from Smokey Bones. You also know how I feel about ribs. In a word: Yum!

And we had arrived just in time for the lot party. Classic rock band After Midnight was on stage that evening. Since we were getting up at the crack of dawn for road trippin’ the next morning, we didn’t need to indulge in the beer fest. We saved ourselves the $5 cover fee and instead sat in the family area near the stage. It was the perfect place to people watch and jam to our favorite hits from the 70s before calling it a night.

Totally unplanned, great fun.  I love when that happens!


You know who this is said...

Swinging by to see if Rod made an appearance. ♥

Sandy said...

Where are you? Are you OK? I am missing your blog.