Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's a Lovely Day in the Neighborhood!

True to the form of my crazy schedule these days, I worked (way too) hard this week. It would have been REALLY easy to stay home and do absolutely nothing. But that notion would have been in direct conflict with my desire to get back into the photography and blogging swing of things. Besides, the temps may have only been pushing the mid 20s, but it was sun, sun, sunny and absolutely GOR-geous. I decided bum-like would have to wait, grabbed my camera and headed out the door.

If you’ll recall, my subdivision is smack dab in the middle of cow country. Cows live on farms, and where there are farms there are barns. Old barns. In my book, they rank right up there with lighthouses. Never saw one that didn’t speak to me. But there’s something about their fading crimson wood adorned with freshly fallen snow against an amazing azure sky that makes them even more alluring.

So I turned right at the “Pavement Ends” sign to see what I could discover.

I bounced down the gravel back roads and pulled over whenever I spotted a camera-worthy subject.

These country byways did not disappoint.

There were old barns around every bend.

I just hope no one wants to know exactly where these rural beauties are. After roaming around for an hour or so, I’m not sure I could ever find them again.

Nonetheless, it was a lovely day in my neighborhood!


Your Favorite Sister said...

Just so you know, photo #3 is now my desktop background. STUNNING photos!

Your REAL favorite sister said...

I like the second to last photo. What a gorgeous bright blue sky!

Aunt Cecile said...

And .......... your Aunt said....... my fave is the barn with the "crop top" silo and the diamond windowed door slightly askew. Just an appealing picture that makes me smile! Thank you for these.