Saturday, January 1, 2011

She’s Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.
~Hal Borland

So, um, yeah. My blog. As I recently relayed to a friend in holiday e-correspondence, I had good intentions. Honest I did. But in the words and infinite wisdom of John Lennon, “life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” I almost made it through the end of August and actually have about another 1-1.5 months of photos and adventures to post. But things got crazy. Really crazy. And busy. Really busy. With everything that was going on, it became difficult to write in “real time” (as it happened) and I somehow slipped into a routine of work, eat, sleep, repeat. And, if truth be told, until I recently backed up my laptop (another one of those important things I’d been meaning to get to), I hadn't realized that I really haven’t taken any photos since the end of October. Bad blogger!

Know what? I miss it. I love writing and I love taking pictures and I love sharing my perspective of the world with whoever wants to stop by for a gander. All work and no play have indeed made me a very, very, very dull girl. I’ve had to remind myself once again about what’s really important. Like taking the time to live and laugh and love … and pee (that last part was probably TMI, wasn’t it?). That being said, and while I won’t promise it will be every single day, I’m back at it. I’m picking up my camera, dusting off the keyboard and giving it another whirl.

And, even though I fear that the spirit of the moment has been lost, I saw some really remarkable things with some really remarkable people in those last several months of the past decade. While I’m forging ahead instead of trying to play catch up, I do intend to take make the time to write about those experiences as well. I’ll post links back to the entries in case you’re curious (read: really bored).

Life? Even at the risk of sounding way too cliché, it goes on and is indeed only what we make it. I still may not be ready for what it throws in my path, but the upside is that I’ll definitely have something to photograph and blog about!

I’m hoping thinking 2011 is going to be my best yet …

Happy New Year!


Aunt Cecile said...

Picture me smiling from ear to ear!

deni said...

Glad you're back and ready to try again. Even if you aren't checking in everyday I do hope it's more often then not.
Hope your 2011 is wonderful!

Mom said...

Really glad you're back! Once in a while is
better than not at all.

Your Favorite Sister said...

It took me six days to realize you're blogging again. Daily checks will now be part of my morning.

Rachel Pokora said...

Woo hoo!