Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baa! Quack! Meow!

Combine one mystery guest (that would be me) and ten adorable, attentive faces (my nephew and his classmates) with a rhyming picture book and you’ve got the makings for a fun pre-school visit.

There was no writin’ or ‘rithmetic, but readin’ together sure was a wonderful way to spend 30 minutes. Counting and making animal sounds are some of the best things about being a kid ...

and a kid at heart!


deni said...

Absolutely adorable!
The kids are cute too!!

Anonymous said...

so fun! i've done that with my nephews & it is such a joy. I love the little guy standing behind you with the "team captain" on his shirt . .his pose says he fully understands his shirt! That kid is going places. haha ~carole~