Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Chicken Man

As a resident of Georgetown Township it is my duty to let you in on a little secret of ours. He’s called the Chicken Man. Now I have no idea of where this guy comes from or what his story is, but as long as he keeps preparing chicken in our neighborhood I really don’t care.

Every summer for as long as I can remember, he’s been firing up his barbie. Oh wait … I do recall a year when he was nowhere to be found. Something about a dispute with the property owner over grilling privileges. I think that was also the summer we were plagued with locusts and drought. Things had definitely gone awry and taken a turn for the worst in our community.

But the Chicken Man has returned to the southwest corner of Port Sheldon and 28th Avenue and once again serves up THE best chicken; an expanded menu also includes ribs and corn on the cob. I wouldn’t blame you if you were hesitant about permanently relocating to Dutch country, but since Blogger doesn’t offer a smell feature do yourself a favor and take my word for it. 

Run—do not walk—to the parking lot of Country Sundae some Saturday and you’ll see what I’m ravin’ about. Go early; he’s been known to sell out.


deni said...

Had his chicken and it is indeed delicious!

Aunt Cecile said...

We partake of the feast often during the summer months! Deee Lish!!! Hmmm..... maybe this Saturday.........