Wednesday, July 14, 2010

One Man's Junk

You’ve probably noticed I’ve been on this antiquing kick as of late. And you’re probably wondering what the heck I’ve been smokin’ because you correctly recall that my taste tends to lean toward the contemporary. I prefer simple and uncluttered instead of elaborate or excessive ornateness. Mark, on the other hand, is into all that woodsy, earthy, musty stuff and on a mission to decorate his apartment with such one-of-a-kind finds. So I’ve been tagging along in his quest and helping him spend his money. He’s unearthed some of the coolest treasures.  Believe it or not, every now and then even I manage to find something that calls to me and ultimately finds its way back to my home.

While many antiques can be outrageously expensive, there are some great pieces to be had for a few bucks. In fact, it’s become a game of sorts to see what I can find for under $10. What have I discovered so far?

The square-based amethyst vase in the photo above was purchased in Findlay for $6.50. (Yes, those lilies smelled as lovely as they looked.)

I scored this picnic basket for only $3 at the Marine Corps garage sale in downtown Toledo. It was much cheaper than that Longaberger version I’ve been coveting and supports a much worthier cause.

I spotted this vase in the Maumee Antique Mall. It not only sported a price tag of $2.50, but also the original “Vetreria Etrusca” sticker. I did some internet research when I got home and, sure enough, discovered it was indeed manufactured in Italy. It’s the perfect complement to the Murano glass piece I purchased there during my visit in 2004.  (Pay no attention to those dusty shelves!)

This Riva Designs tulip pitcher turned up in the antique mall in Archbold. Originally marked at $6.95, everything in the booth was half off; I walked away with it for $3.47. I love when that happens!

And finally, these crock vases were my first antique find at a quaint little shop in Pemberville back in February, only $3 each. How much do you think I would have paid had I purchased something similar at Pottery Barn? (Yes, that is a wicker basket you see in the photo next to the vases. While definitely not contemporary, it has a special place in my heart and my home as it was hand-crafted by my great-grandfather.)

It’s been fun to poke around for hours on end through the collections of everyday artifacts from days gone by, especially when I happen to find something that just screams “Lynn!” The amusing (or should that be scary?) part is Mark and I remember actually having many of these things in our homes while growing up. If we’re finding them in antique stores, does this mean we’re getting old?

1 comment:

deni said...

A fine job of bargin hunting and some really cool items.