Thursday, July 29, 2010

Twist and Shout

I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect July evening. Submarine sandwiches and pizza from Vitales; Perry, Cherri and the twins; and Beatles tribute act Classical Mystery Tour (you know how much I love the Fab Four). I didn’t want to be anywhere else but back on the slopes of Cannonsburg relaxing in a lawn chair and enjoying the Symphony’s final show of this year’s summer series.

This was Sarah and Olivia’s first “rock concert.” Once they got past the “This is boring!” picnic portion of the Pops (thank goodness for snow cones … they haven’t quite yet mastered the fine art of people watching), they were (literally) shakin’ a leg and twistin’ and shoutin’ with the rest us. And, yes, it’s true … Olivia really does move like a pole dancer. Highly entertaining! After all was said and done, she wanted to know if they could go to Picnic Pops again next year … with Aunt Lynn. You bet! Good food, good friends, good music, good fun!

Summer and its special offerings flies by way too fast …

1 comment:

deni said...

I'm sure it was a blast and yes, snow cones can kill some substantial time.