Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ugly Duckling or Beautiful Swan?

Whenever I travel I eat and drink at the most unique restaurants. I shop at hundreds of distinct stores, and I visit local galleries, museums and sites. The thing that stands out the most, however, is the people. I always discover a huge diversity of colors, shapes, backgrounds and stories.

Too often, though, we tend to judge people by their outward appearance. I’ll readily admit I have been guilty of this; will you confess as well? It’s not until we stop to talk to someone that we really get to know what they are all about. Among shop and restaurant owners, fellow travelers and the millions of others with whom I cross paths as I wander, I never fail to meet an interesting mix of people and personalities. Whether it is a quick hello to someone standing in line with me, an explanation by an artesian of his work, or an in-depth discussion of how an ethnic shop owner or restauranteur came to do business in this country, one thing stands out through and through. Outside appearance is merely packaging. It is not until we stop to unwrap it and take the time to find out what is on the inside that we truly get to know the wonderful person there.

Even if you don’t travel any further than your own backyard, make an effort. Can you imagine what would happen if we all saw the beautiful swan instead of an ugly duckling?

1 comment:

deni said...

"Unwrap those packages!"