Saturday, July 31, 2010

pure science. pure fun.

I may not have gotten in line when they were handing out maternal genes, but over the years I’ve definitely learned a thing or two about traveling with kids. Your touring itinerary can’t include wine tasting or sampling a local brew pub’s creations. There’ll be no perusal or quiet contemplation of the great works of art housed in museums. And don’t even think about browsing antique stores offering fragile breakables. You must instead resort to something which not only spawns creativity but also entertains. The Imagination Station fit the bill.

Formerly the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), the hands-on museum located on the riverfront in downtown Toledo caters to children of all ages, whether 4, 6, 12 or, yes, even 57! Filled with over 250 interactive exhibits, this place was amazing. Before we even made it through the lobby, we were enthralled with Homage to the Art of Science (pictured above), a Rube Goldbergian-style machine that creates music via user-dropped billiard balls. But there was so much more to see and do.

With Zhak’s fascination for paleontology, traveling exhibit The Big Dig was naturally the first thing we explored.

Past the larger-than-life dinosaur sculpture carved out of 25 tons of sand by professional sand sculptor Carl Jara,

the kids had an opportunity to discover all sorts of prehistoric fun.

They excavated their way through piles of Northwest Ohio shale in search of fossils

Created fossil imprints*

And even had a chance to become a dino parent ... which, from the looks of things, is not all it’s cracked up to be!*  (Love this photo!)

It was then time to check out some of the permanent attractions.

The High Wire Cycle hovers over 20 feet above the ground and is suspended on a 2-inch cable with a 275-pound counterweight which enables all its riders to defy gravity. Deni was the brave one here and managed to traverse the entire wire, first backward then forward. I gave it my best shot, but looked down after back-pedaling a mere two feet. My fear of heights kicked in and I had to call it. By the way, those are not my canvas deck shoes. I was sporting stylish sandals that day, but had to swap footwear with Deni since we were required to wear close-toed shoes. I do have a fashonista reputation to maintain, you know. Enough adventure.  Cute shoes and solid ground, please!

In the Little Kidspace, the kids could hop aboard a fire truck*, shop in the grocery store* or climb on the treehouse.

Water Works was an entire learning world dedicated to nature’s most powerful resource. What is it about H2O and its splashiness that kids find so alluring?

Deni and Faith bounced forward, backward, sideways, up and down during the virtual reality video in the simulator theater while Mark, I and the boys hung out in the energy factory. (Kaden was too short and Zhak too chicken to ride!)

When it was our turn, Faith decided to partake of additional jostling and forked over another token ($1) to ride again.* Oh to be an adventurous pre-teen again … I felt like hurling; one ride was enough for me!

On the lower level in the Mind Zone, we were able to discover how the mind processes, interprets and creates illusions and perceptions.*

The Gravity Room was also a huge hit … though Faith outdid me once again. I couldn’t stand up straight or crooked in there!

Finally, Deni and Faith tackled Boyo, a yo-yo like attraction in which you must utilize your own strength and basic science principles. Deni didn’t fare too well, but Faith managed to propel herself 13 feet into the air.* Did I happen to mention what an adventurous girl she is?

We spent most of the morning at the Imagination Station, yet easily could have stayed the entire day. It proved to be great fun for all of us and definitely worth a visit. Check it out if you’re ever in the area!

Imagination Station
One Discovery Way, corner of Summit and Adams Streets
Big Kids (13+) $8.50
Kids (3-12) $6.50
Seniors (65+) $7.50
Children 2 and under free!

* Thanks to Deni for sharing her photos!


Sandy said...

Love the picture of you on the bike!

deni said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with those canvas deck shoes and you wouldn't have had the thrill you did, without them! And I agree that Kaden looks less then thrilled to be a dino dad.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great place to visit!