Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Under Water With Zhak Cousteau

To say that the deep blue sea has captured my nephew Zhak’s attention would be a gross understatement. He is a walking encyclopedia of all things aquatic and a great source to turn to when fishin’ for facts.

While the hammerhead shark is his fave, with the help of his other marine buddies he can tell you all about life under water.

From fins

to teeth that would make the tooth fairy happy

to what they eat (burp!) and how much they weigh.  He is not only informed, but also highly entertaining.

But what else would you expect from the combination of a manatee named Mike, a dolphin named Dipper, a shark named Smiley (c’mon … did you really think it would be anything else?) and an imaginative kid named Zhak?

1 comment:

deni said...

He is highly entertaining!
Problem is I'm already running into trouble with the questions he asks. I don't know the answers! I usually give my standard "let me look that up on the computer and I'll get back to you". Apparently I'm NOT smarter then a 1st grader.