Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Once Upon a Time ...

Main Entry: story
Pronunciation: \ˈstȯr-ē\
Function: noun

An account of real or fictional events.

Who doesn't like to surrender to a good tale?  The cheerful, the gloomy, the hilarious, the thought-provoking. Whether several lines, several paragraphs or several pages in length, stories are entertaining. Couple that with colorful whimsy and you’ve discovered one of my favorite artists.

Brian Andreas, the creator of Storypeople, is an artist, sculptor, writer and storyteller. I can’t remember where I first stumbled upon his creations long, long ago, but I now see them everywhere. From fun boutique shops in Saugatuck and Northern Michigan to upscale galleries in Chicago and New York, and (though I’ve yet to personally witness them there) in Canada, Europe and Singapore, too! Most of his stories come from his life and memories, as well as the memories of his family and friends. But he also admits to making some of them up. As he so profoundly notes, “I guess I’d rather live in a world where imagination and poetry spring from every heart. I suppose it’s a deeply embedded character flaw, but it’s one I’ve become resigned to, with time.” I love that about him!

Andreas began by creating sculptures from recycled barn wood, much of which came from his native Iowa. The figures are brightly painted and each inscribed with a story revealing an emotion, an experience, or a situation which makes you stop and think, “Hmmmmmmmmmmm …” The product offering has grown to include original drawings and paintings, prints, books, furniture and home accents, and cards. I have one of his sculptures and several of his prints, and have given many Storypeople as gifts. They make me smile, they make me think. And they most definitely color my world. Some of my faves:

Goddess: I do much better as a goddess, she said, since my secretarial skills have always been limited.

Waiting for Signs: I used to wait for a sign, she said, before I did anything. Then one night I had a dream & an angel in black tights came to me & said, you can start any time now, & then I asked is this a sign? & the angel started laughing & I woke up. Now, I think the whole world is filled with signs, but if there’s no laughter, I know they’re not for me.

Angels of Mercy: Most people don’t know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don’t get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life.

Jello Salad: There are 7 levels of hell, she said, & I think one of them is reserved for people who bring jello salads to every potluck they go to.

Crossing the Line: I have too much to lose, she said, if I cross that line. Like what? I said. She could not think of anything that day so she said she’d get back to me. Since then I’ve been thinking what I would lose if I cross my line & I haven’t come up with anything either. There’s always another line somewhere.

In need of a good story? Check out Storypeople. I think you’ll enjoy them as much as I do!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I think you stumbled across Storypeople when you presented us with one when Caleb was born. That was over 14 years ago.

His Laughter - The first time his laughter unfurled its wings in the wind, we knew that the world would never be the same.