Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Whole Fam Damily

It wasn’t my intent to crash a party, but sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I hadn’t seen Rob in over 20 years and catching up with him earlier in the week for a mere eight hours just didn’t seem like enough. When he invited me to join him for the family function he had traveled back to Michigan to attend (and assured me no one would mind), I jumped at the chance. All I had to do was find my way to Fennville … also known as BFE.

I wondered what I had gotten myself into when Mapquest told me portions of my 60-minute commute were on unpaved roads and I actually had to drive (row?) through a small lake which had formed following all the rain West Michigan had recently received.  But I didn’t hear dueling banjos and made it in one (dry!) piece to join in the festivities.  It was all good.

A graduation party for Rob’s niece had been combined with a family reunion, which meant I got to see many familiar faces, as well as meet the new ones of the nieces, nephews and in-laws who had become part of the clan in the past few decades.

I didn’t really remember his younger brother Russ, but he didn’t really remember me either so I don’t feel too bad. He and his wife hosted the celebrations at an amazing log cabin they had built on 50 acres. Russ is an avid big game hunter, as was evident by the trophies adorning every wall. At one point I asked the location of the nearest bathroom and was amusingly told to “turn left at the giraffe.” Not to worry … it was a wood carving and not of the stuffed variety, though I suppose Marlin Perkins was already rolling over in his grave. 

Rick, on the other hand, I remember well; he has not changed one bit.  He humorously recounted stories of the good ole’ days even I had forgotten, told me about his world travels while working with the CIA, and introduced me to his lovely family.

And it was wonderful to see Rob’s Mom and Dad again. They have also relocated to the Sunshine State and now live about two hours from Rob. After family week came to a close, they planned to hop back in their motor home and head to Alaska. You go, Mr. and Mrs. G!

With great eats and drinks, reminiscing about days gone by, discovering things I never knew, and laughing and chatting with everyone, I was not surprised another eight hours had zoomed by. I’m glad I got to spend more time with Rob and his family. Great people, good times!

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