Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Spread a Little Sunshine

I’ll admit it … yesterday I was in the foulest mood. I’m too old for PMS; can I blame it on being Monday? I pretty much ignored everyone and, at the end of the day when I had a chance to reflect upon it, decided that everyone in turn had pretty much ignored me. Do you blame them? I was a Beotch (with a capital Be) and no fun to be around. Who wants to keep company with a sad sack? A grumbler? A groaner? Though it can happen to the best of us, I decided to try a new approach.

The last thing I donned before leaving home was a smile, and I made sure to make the first effort instead of waiting for others to do it. I looked directly at and said, “Good morning!” or “Hello!” or “Nice day, isn’t it?” to everyone I encountered. Some people responded in kind immediately; others, I think, were taken aback. It not only made me much less crabby, but I’d also like to believe that even if their day got progressively worse, at least one nice thing—in the form of acknowledgement with a simple greeting—had happened to them. Who said one person can’t make a difference?

We all can use as many positives in our life as we can get. Oh sure, it’s much easier to complain or blame or make excuses. But hey … who ever promised life would be easy? We’ve heard it a million times, but it bears repeating. Attitude is everything. If we think we’re going to have a crappy day, we likely will. If we feel as if we can’t do something and are going to fail, there’s a very good chance that is exactly what will happen. On the other hand, by maintaining a positive outlook, things look a lot brighter. And doesn’t that directly impact those whose paths we cross?

Sunshine goes a lot farther than gloom and doom, don't you think?

1 comment:

deni said...

Nice thought to ponder and a striking photot as well (like the angle).