Monday, June 21, 2010

A Rose by Another Name

If you’ve been religiously following my blog (you HAVE been religiously following, yes?), you’ll remember I’m not fond of chain restaurants and prefer to instead partake of the local flavor. That approach to eating occurs not only when I’m gallivanting around the country, but in my own neighborhood as well.

One of my favorite haunts in Grand Rapids is Rose’s on Reeds Lake. As the story goes, the building was first constructed by original owner, James Rose, a German immigrant who started the business at the turn of the century as a bath house to teach people how to swim. He invented a special method which involved tying students to a fishing pole and walking back and forth.  Um, I think I'll stick with lessons at the YMCA.

Not sure how Rose’s evolved from that into such a great restaurant, but there’s something about its charm and history that puts it at the top of my list any time of year. I especially love going there in the summer when I can dine shoreside, watch sailboats glide across the lake, and indulge in homemade root chips dipped in goat cheese fondue and seasonal favorites like Rose’s Lemonade (lemonade, vodka and Chambord). This time around it was also the featured spinach and dried tart cherry salad, and the coriander rubbed mahi mahi with herbed risotto.

In a word: Yum!

Rose’s on Reeds Lake
550 Lakeside Drive


deni said...

Never been but it sounds like a great place. When would you like to take me:)

Julie said...

We went for the first time a year (or 2) ago. Very good!

Sandy said...

I love to sit outside at Rose's by the water!