Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fun Gal Meets Fungi

The up side to all the rain we’ve been having is that my outdoor plants are growing like weeds … except they’re much lovelier. So what’s the problem?

My flowerbeds have been hostilely overtaken by fungus or, in this case since they seem to have multiplied faster than the bunnies living under the pine tree, by fungi.  We’re not talking hallucinogenic shrooms or the delicacies you toss into a great pasta sauce, but rather the woodsy, moldy, musty kind of toadstools that sprout from soggy soil. 

Since I’ve become so bifocal-dependent these days, I didn’t even realize at the time I was taking this photo that there was a whole colony of life under them.  Unlike Horton who took note of the chanting denizens of Who-ville, I never heard a chorus of “We are here! We are here!” or a single “Yopp!”

(Yes. I’ve been hanging out with my nephews again. Why do you ask?)

But I digress. As fascinating as I find these offenders and their inhabitants to be, they've got to go.  I need to get outside and spread a little TLC and fungicide around the yard, and am filing that plan away for next weekend.

But right now? For some strange reason I’m craving pizza.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Great title!