Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trixie Strikes Again!

My Grandma belonged to a league for years, as did my Dad. And when Mark and I were married we took up the sport as well. You might say that bowling was right up my alley. Unfortunately, I really didn’t have any natural talent. I threw a hook, usually nowhere near the pocket, and could only boast an average of 125. Though I had matching powder blue ball, bag and shoes and looked like I knew what I was doing, the real key to my “success” was in the name posted on the auto scorer: Trixie! I may not have been able to bowl worth a crap, but certainly knew how to have a good time!

I can’t tell you when I last rolled a ball down a lane, but eagerly accepted my sister’s invitation to join them for Kaden’s school outing. It was his first time bowling and he caught on quickly.  His style is laid-back ...

while Zhak is a bit more excited ...

but a good time was had by all!

The event only consisted of one game, but after all these years that was more than enough for me.  Thanks to a strike and a couple of spares, I managed a 104.  Bumper bowling is the way to go!


deni said...

It was fun Trixie! The boys had a good time and we were glad you were able to make it.

Tracey Warner said...

Great job Zhak! And, what do you mean you don't have a natural talent? I would say writing and photography are right up there!